Turning Obstacles into Opportunities: The Journey of NeuroGum

In the latest episode of Turning Pro, we delve into the incredible story of Ryan Chen and Kent Yoshimura, co-founders of the innovative wellness brand, NeuroGum. From personal setbacks to building a successful business, their journey is a testament to resilience, innovation, and the power of perspective.

Turning Pro’s Ben Sharf’s interest in NeuroGum began with a simple chew. When he tried the brain-boosting gum, it immediately piqued his curiosity. This led him to meet Ryan Chen and Kent Yoshimura, the creative minds behind the LA-based brand. Their shared vision and dedication to enhancing wellness through nootropics resulted in a product designed to make people feel more energized, focused, and calm.

Overcoming Adversity: Ryan's Story

Ryan's life changed dramatically at 19 when a snowboarding accident left him paralyzed. It was a moment that could have ended his dreams, but with the help of a supportive friend and a shift in perspective, he saw it as a new beginning. “I get from point A to point B differently,” Ryan shared, “but it doesn't stop me from wanting to do it and figuring it out.” This resilience fueled his drive to co-create NeuroGum, a product that embodies his belief in moving forward despite obstacles.

The Power of Perspective

Ryan's journey back to mental wellness began with a decision to step outside. Struggling with depression and feeling trapped indoors, he realized that opening the door to the outside world could transform his life. Today, he not only runs a successful business but has also achieved milestones like earning his pilot’s license and being invited to the White House.

From Film to Nootropics: Kent's Pivot

Kent's path to success wasn’t straightforward either. His career in film took an unexpected turn following the death of Amy Winehouse, a pivotal moment that led him to explore illustration and eventually discover his passion for wellness. Trusting his gut and embracing change, Kent's journey ultimately steered him toward co-founding NeuroGum.

The Road to NeuroGum: From Idea to Global Brand

Launching NeuroGum wasn’t an overnight success, though it might appear so. Ryan and Kent's Indiegogo campaign reached its target in just three days, thanks to a supportive Reddit community. But this rapid success was backed by years of hard work and dedication. The duo’s blend of creativity, sports discipline, and business acumen proved to be the perfect recipe for their entrepreneurial journey.

Ryan and Kent’s journey, from personal challenges to founding NeuroGum, is a powerful reminder that adversity can be a stepping stone to success. 

Their story is one of resilience, adaptability, and the courage to follow their passions. For anyone facing their own challenges, their experiences offer valuable lessons in perseverance and the importance of maintaining perspective.

Find Episode 37 of the Turning Pro Podcast on Apple , Spotify , or YouTube.

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