10 Years, 36 Million Bottles: How Fair Harbor Turned Ocean Trash into Swimwear Treasure

In a world where fast fashion often takes center stage, Fair Harbor stands out as a brand with a mission: turning ocean trash into sustainable treasure.

Over the past decade, this New York-based company, founded by siblings Caroline and Jake Danehy, has recycled over 36 million plastic bottles, transforming them into high-quality swimwear and apparel.

The story of Fair Harbor is deeply personal. Growing up, Caroline and Jake spent their summers in the coastal town of Fair Harbor, where their love for the ocean began.

Those idyllic days on the beach planted the seeds for what would become their life’s work. "Fair Harbor is our spot," Caroline reflects. "It’s more than a place—it’s a part of who we are. We wanted to create something that helps protect places like this."

The idea for Fair Harbor was sparked during Caroline’s high school years, when she learned about the devastating impact of plastic pollution on marine life. She and Jake realized they could make a difference by creating swimwear from recycled plastic bottles.

With little experience and no investors, they dove into the project, driven by a shared passion for sustainability.

The Story of Fair Harbor

Starting small, they hosted trunk shows and personally sold their first line of board shorts at local events. It wasn’t easy—there were rejections and setbacks—but their hands-on approach allowed them to connect directly with customers and refine their products based on real feedback.

Fair Harbor’s innovation lies in its commitment to sustainability. Each pair of swim trunks is made from up to 11 plastic bottles, which are collected, cleaned, and transformed into polyester fibers. This process not only reduces waste but also produces durable, stylish clothing that resonates with environmentally conscious consumers.

As Fair Harbor has grown, so has its product line. What began with just board shorts now includes a range of casual wear—T-shirts, shorts, hoodies—all made with the same eco-friendly ethos. But despite their success, Caroline and Jake have stayed true to their roots, keeping sustainability at the heart of everything they do.

Expanding Fair Harbor

Building a business isn’t without challenges, and Caroline has been open about the difficulties they’ve faced. "Being a founder can be lonely," she admits. "But having my brother by my side has made all the difference." Their partnership has been key to Fair Harbor’s success, providing the support needed to navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.

Looking to the future, Caroline and Jake are focused on expanding Fair Harbor while continuing to lead by example in the sustainable fashion industry. They’re not just creating clothing; they’re building a movement that encourages others to rethink waste and embrace sustainability.

As Fair Harbor celebrates 10 years of turning ocean trash into swimwear treasure, the impact is clear. By recycling millions of plastic bottles, they’ve proven that fashion can be a force for good. And as they continue to innovate, Fair Harbor remains a shining example of how a small idea, rooted in love for the ocean, can grow into something truly transformative.

This episode of Turning Pro is delivered by ShipPlug.

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